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Dr. R.S. Goswami
Experience & Activities
Dr.R.S. Goswami is a worldwide travelled savant with a vast exposure of the pharmaceutical industry. He is a post graduate in Organic Chemistry, Post Graduate in Drug Chemistry & PhD in Human Genetics. He has 40 years of experience in heading the pharmaceutical industry. He is a visionary who has developed a wide range of products for serving humanity on the basis of persistent research and knowledge. He holds many positions related to his field and in social work.
Currently he is the President of Federation of Madhya Pradesh Chamber of Commerce & Industries. Dr.Goswami has established his enterprise in different areas such as Pharma, Chemicals & Agro based industry. He started his first company with a small capital of Rs. 10,000 and has set up an organization exporting its products in around 65 countries. The client list includes prestigious International organizations & relief agencies across the globe.